Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Finished Coop

Ned putting shingles on

I am pretending to help

The finished coop

The hens have their finished coop. It consists of 3 main sections. First, there is the henhouse, the interior section, which is where they sleep at night, and will be where they lay their eggs. The second section is the main area where they can roam around during the day. The third section is referred to as chicken Guantanamo bay. It is the open area directly under the henhouse. This section is walled with hardware cloth, which is impossible for any predators to get through. If we go out of town, we can can close off the main section (which has larger holed chicken wire) and leave the trap door to chicken Guantanamo bay from the henhouse open. That way the can still get outside and rummage around a bit, but will be safe from predators. Most of the time, all 3 sections are open to them. And if we are home, we let them out entirely to have free range of the yard. This is also a mobile coop, so that every few weeks we can move it to a new section of lawn. This keeps our lawn in good shape and always gives the ladies fresh grass/weeds to munch on.

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