Thursday, July 1, 2010

Chicken Coop Deluxe

Ned is used to building multi-million dollar houses and just can't seem to bring himself to do something simple. So he designed a state of the art chicken coop that even the most distinguished of chickens would be proud to live in. Heck, I even think it looks pretty comfy. We still have not finished up the last details, but it's mostly finished. Here are some pictures in process:

Here I am opening the chicken coop with the built in posts to hold the door up. You can see the nesting boxes on the back wall.

Buffy and Fluffy are peeking out of the removable door we have at the nesting boxes for easy egg removal.
We have the heat lamp in there now for the little ones who are not feathered out yet.

More pictures to come when it's complete.

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