Sunday, July 18, 2010

Chicken Keep Away

Buffy finds a cherry

Even though our chickens have their fancy coop, whenever we are home we like to give them free range of the entire yard. Watching them run and chase each other around is always ripe ground for many laughs. One of my favorite things is watching them play keep away. This usually happens when one of them finds something intriguing to eat (a worm, a cherry, etc.). Instead of eating it quietly and inconspicuously, she will instead proudly pick it up, and begin to run. The others, noticing the obvious distraction, and wanting a piece of their own, will begin running frantically after. This begins a chase which can easily span the entirety of the yard multiple times. It is usually several minutes before any of them get a bite of the magic morsel, because they are all just chasing each other around. Usually the object will get stolen and passed around a few times; and eventually they all will get a bite. Chickens are very cheap entertainment!

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