Sunday, May 15, 2011


It has been nearly a year - and we have had so many chicken adventures I can't even count! Our chicken family has grown - we now have 8 egg laying hens. We have 5 more baby chicks, which we haven't decided whether or not we will keep yet. We have one hen who wants to be a mamma so badly that she was sitting on plastic eggs - so we got some fertilized duck eggs to put underneath her, and she is sitting on those now. Our egg business is up and running with so many orders we can't keep up. It is not profitable - we just about break even, but it is fun nonetheless and we are taking business away from the cruelty of factory farm hen houses where the poor things don't even have enough room to spread out their wings. We raised meat birds last fall - 25 birds which free ranged in our yard and are now in our freezer - the most juicy, flavorful chicken I have eaten. We have become amateur experts on all things chicken, and have even persuaded a couple of friends to begin their own chicken adventures! It has been an eggcellent year and I hope to post more frequently now.

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