Wednesday, May 25, 2011


It has taken 30 days for these little babies to emerge! We had an emergency about 3/4 of the way through, finding a hairline crack in one of the eggs. We read that we could put some wax on the crack to seal it, so we tried that and hoped for the best. For the next few days we still saw it moving when we candled it, but then we noticed that it had a larger than normal air sac - which can be a bad sign. We were worried, but right at that point was when we had to keep the eggs on lockdown. The last few days are especially important for temperature and humidity, and the slightest variation from taking it out and candling could harm it. So we just had to leave it under her and hope for the best. And wait.

Today Ned came home to find a broken eggshell next to Buffy - and when we reached under her we retrieved another - both of the little ducklings made it! I was a little disappointed that I did not get to see any of the hatching process, but oh well.

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