Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tragedy Strikes

Today we had a tragedy with the chickens. Queen Elizabeth, who was the oldest of the chickens, managed to fly out of her home today while we were at work. She unfortunately did not survive her escapade outside of her box. It was a horrific discovery, and was met with much sadness. Queen Elizabeth was the friendliest chicken and a favorite for both us, and the other chicks. They are not quite the same without her there to mother them. They seem to be fighting a lot this evening. Queen Elizabeth always kept the peace. I never realized I could be so upset over a chicken... I mean, I ate chicken for lunch. But I am extremely sad about losing Queen Elizabeth. Of all the chicks, she seemed the most like a member of our family. I will miss her very much. This is my favorite picture of her.

R.I.P. Queen Elizabeth.

1 comment:

Kathleen H. Peters said...

I am so sorry Queen Elizabeth died. Do you have any idea how she died?