Monday, June 7, 2010

Meet the Ladies

This is Buffy. She is a Buff Orpington breed. She will be golden colored and lay brown eggs. Her breed is known for being especially mild mannered and friendly.

This is Queen Elizabeth. She is a Speckled Sussex. She is 2 weeks older than the rest of the chicks. She has been like a mother hen to them, snuggling them under her feathers. I have been told she looks like a hawk - she does - but she is most definitely a chicken!

We haven't really named this one yet. She sometimes goes by "Red", sometimes by "Bucky". She is a Buckeye and is a Rhode Island Red mix. She is the runt of the litter but makes up for it with her feist.

This is Fluffy. She gets her name because, well, she is so fluffy! I don't have a good front angle picture, but she has cheeks that poof out right around her ears. She is an Aracauna and will lay blue or green eggs!

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